Dating as far back as 6,000 B.C., wine is an old drink. It is undoubtedly a staple of human civilization and culture, and now more than ever, wine is an internationally shared tradition for adults everywhere. Even after centuries, wine is still regarded as a celebratory indulgence, whether for a promotion or a life milestone. As with any excess, temperance is key to ensuring nobody indulges in anything too heavily.
What’s now a symbol of too little restraint is downing an entire bottle of wine, top to bottom, in one sitting. Drinking a whole bottle clean can be as natural as breathing, provided you’re in the right social situation and mood. It begs the question: What happens to your body when you drink a bottle of wine to completion? Among several things, it may be a warning sign of an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. The Right Step Houston offers a holistic approach to addiction treatment in Houston, TX. Call 1.844.768.0169 to receive a proper evaluation and find out what type of program works best for your situation.
What Happens when You Drink a Bottle of Wine?
First off, there’s nothing intrinsic to the bottle itself that can cause these physical issues. A bottle of wine, on average, equates to around 750 mL. Consuming 750 mL of water in one sitting is expected, so the sheer fluid quantity is not the issue here. Instead, it falls on the actual properties of wine—specifically the alcohol content. Most wine has an alcohol content close to 11.6% alcohol by volume (ABV). Compare that to beer, which sits at 5.0% ABV, and light beer at 4.2%. In some cases, certain red wines can reach ABVs of 16% to 20%, meaning that one shot is equivalent to three or four of your standard beer.
Moderation is essential when drinking something with such high alcohol content, primarily if you aren’t used to how quickly intoxication occurs with wine. Portions are a good way to ensure you don’t exceed a certain quantity of wine, but in reality, it isn’t so easy when the temptation of “another glass” is literally on the table. The effects can become severe when you bypass portions and down an entire bottle.
Binge Drinking and Liver Cirrhosis
When alcohol is consumed in excess in an especially short amount of time, it is considered binge drinking. Binge-drinking wine can elevate your blood pressure and heart rate to an unusually high level, but that alone isn’t what can cause the most damage. When you sleep it off, the spike in blood pressure will dive well below average. Alternating extreme highs and lows like this is a recipe for heightened stroke risk. Alcohol is cited as the cause of an estimated one in 10 strokes, most due to this process.
However, strokes are not the only concern regarding binge drinking. Another common condition among heavy alcoholics is alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD), of which the final stage is cirrhosis. This stage involves the process of rapidly destroying and repairing liver tissue. Over time, most healthy livers can become scarred and function poorly compared to before. Some of the effects of liver cirrhosis include:
- Kidney problems
- Intestinal bleeding
- The buildup of internal fluid
- Liver cancer
- Severe infections
If you or a loved one is experiencing these symptoms of alcoholic cirrhosis, learn more about treatment options at The Right Step Houston.
The Right Step Houston Can Help Curb Alcoholism
Heightened stroke risk and alcoholic cirrhosis are just two examples of what happens to your body when you regularly drink a bottle of wine from start to finish. However, another wide-reaching problem can arise from this practice: alcohol dependency and addiction. Most alcoholics begin with “just one drink,” and whether it’s poor inhibition or drinking as a remedial practice, it always leads to the same place.
Alcoholism is unlike a stroke or liver cirrhosis. It can’t be tested for or happen overnight. It’s a behavioral, psychological facet of oneself that necessitates treatment. The Right Step Houston understands that an unhealthy relationship with wine or any form of alcohol can spell destructive consequences the longer it’s left unattended, which is why we encourage you to call 1.844.768.0169 today. Speaking to our professionally trained staff, you can inquire about our services, treatment center, and how we can guide you on the road to recovery.