Addiction Recovery

People experiencing group support during a therapy session

The Importance of Group Support in Recovery

Finding the right path to recovery requires immense strength, resilience, and support. Suppose you or a loved one is seeking addiction and mental health treatment. In that case, understanding how our group therapy in Houston is integral to our treatment plans can make a significant difference in your journey. At The Right Step Houston, we […]

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Person covering their face and wondering how alcohol affects the brain

How Does Alcohol Affect the Brain?

Alcohol is one of the most commonly consumed substances in the world, often used to celebrate, relax, and socialize. Despite its widespread acceptance, the impact of alcohol on the brain can be profound and far-reaching. For those battling addiction, understanding how alcohol affects the brain is crucial for their recovery journey. At The Right Step

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People experiencing the benefits of residential treatment

5 Benefits of Residential Treatment

Choosing the right path to recovery is a crucial step for anyone dealing with addiction. For many, the journey to sobriety begins at a residential treatment center. Contact The Right Step Houston’s knowledgeable team online or call 1.844.768.0169 to learn about residential vs. outpatient treatment for addiction and the key benefits of residential treatment. This

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People learning about dependence vs. addiction

Dependence vs. Addiction: What’s the Difference?

In today’s fast-paced world, the words “dependence” and “addiction” are often used interchangeably when discussing substance use. However, these terms represent two distinct experiences in the realm of mental health and addiction treatment. The Right Step Houston, a leader in compassionate and professional addiction treatment in Texas, aims to shed light on this crucial distinction,

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Person sitting on floor and realizing they have a psychological dependence on a substance

Defining Psychological Dependence

Recognizing a psychological dependence on drugs or alcohol can be challenging. Understanding the signs and symptoms helps identify if you or a loved one may have a problem. What should you know about substance addiction vs. dependence? If you need to use the substance more frequently or in larger amounts to get the desired effect,

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People experiencing how addiction and relationships are connected

How Addiction Can Impact Relationships

Addiction damages relationships. From the relationship someone has with a spouse or significant other, their children, colleagues, friends, and extended family, no personal connection is spared the fallout of someone’s substance use disorder (SUD). For numerous reasons, an SUD gets in the way of trust, communication, and respect. A person with an SUD is, by

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Person enjoying life after rehab

Adjusting to Life After Rehab

There is strong evidence that engaging in a robust alumni program after discharge from a drug and alcohol treatment program improves long-term recovery outcomes. Life after rehab can be stressful and intimidating for many people who have not lived without substances for a while. Suddenly, facing sober living beyond the supportive circle of rehab can

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People meeting in a support group

Benefits of Support Groups

Peer support groups have been considered a standard within recovery circles since the advent of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). The benefits of having peers supporting one another in a sober network of mutually accountable adults are often highlighted by professionals and lay people involved in and committed to therapeutic, community, or personal support around recovery. In

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Person experiencing benzo withdrawal symptoms

Treating Benzo Withdrawal Symptoms

Colloquially known as benzos, benzodiazepines are sedatives that slow down the central nervous system (CNS), often prescribed for anxiety or insomnia. In the U.S., they’re prescription-only and illegal to buy or sell without one due to their addictive nature and serious risks, requiring doctor supervision. If you suspect that your benzo use has become benzo

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