Substance Abuse

Man suffering from substance use disorders and dual diagnosis

What is Dual Diagnosis and How Does it Happen?

Substance use disorder and mental health issues often deliver a one-two punch—occurring at the same time for people who could really use a break.    Or, to borrow another cliche, these dual diagnoses kick folks while they’re already on the ground.    What’s up with that? Why do we see a prevalence of co-occurring mental […]

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The Importance of DBT in Substance Abuse Treatment

The Importance of DBT in Substance Abuse Treatment

DBT. Ah, the elusive acronym. Ever find yourself in the middle of a conversation nodding your head along to phrases like “Send a QFE to the BCD, ASAP, will ya?”    Okay, so maybe that’s an exaggeration, but the feeling remains. Before we agree to do something, we’d like to get our heads around that

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What Are My Options For Substance Abuse Treatment

What Are My Options For Substance Abuse Treatment?

Expectations matter – especially when considering a substance abuse treatment center.   When we know what’s to come, we can set our mind to the task at hand. We can prepare to work hard, practice patience or all sorts of things in between.    Expectations also offer hope. The reward becomes easier to imagine and

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Drug Addiction Treatment: Healing Methods

Before you or your loved one enter a drug addiction treatment center, it is helpful to familiarize yourself with the different approaches used to find healing from substance use disorders. There are many models to choose from whether it be evidence-based therapeutic approaches such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT), group therapy

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woman looking out over sea dealing with benzos and alcohol

The Dangers of Mixing Benzos and Alcohol

When you need treatment for an anxiety-related condition, that is when you might receive a prescription for benzodiazepines (benzos). Like many other medications, there is documentation that you receive regarding the dangers of mixing benzos with alcohol. Due to the interactions between benzos and alcohol, those who mix the two could face severe health risks.

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individuals in group therapy experiencing benefits of an alumni program

Top 3 Benefits of an Alumni Program

Beyond that of connecting with your support network, the benefits of an alumni program are much more than that. Maintaining these connections creates not only a safety net that protects your sobriety. After recovery, you are learning how to live without being dependent on a substance. You are also learning how to cope with the

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woman on laptop and phone Coping with Loneliness During Quarantine

Coping with Loneliness During Quarantine

Families have come together during the COVID-19 to support each other. Given the number of people who live alone, some of us face a great challenge of coping with loneliness during quarantine. Losing your job or being asked to work from home separates you from some of the social interactions that define your day. The

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woman with tablet on couch learning about coping with isolation during coronavirus

Coping with Isolation During Coronavirus

Public officials have, for a good reason advised us to keep ourselves physically distant from each other to cope with the spread of COVID-19. But what about coping with isolation during coronavirus? That’s a challenge unto itself that comes with a lot of other concurrent stresses. The economy is in deep recession; we are concerned

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woman laughing in her kitchen Staying sober during Coronavirus

Staying Sober During Coronavirus

The concerns brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic seemingly have no bounds. We’re worried about our health, our families, our jobs, and our safety. Here’s another challenge, for people struggling with substance abuse or prone to stress: Staying sober during coronavirus. Here at Right Step Houston, we understand maintaining sobriety can be a challenge. As

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