inpatient vs outpatient treatment, a group smiling

Inpatient vs Outpatient Treatment

Once you complete your detox from drug or alcohol addiction, a treatment specialist will help you determine the next step in your recovery. Treatment centers in Texas offer two primary programs to choose from: inpatient vs outpatient treatment. Although both programs offer the same types of therapy, they provide different levels of supervision, facilities, and care depending on your needs.

If you can manage your addiction without 24/7 supervision but still require therapy, outpatient therapy may be appropriate. However, if you cannot control your addiction on your own, then you may need more intensive inpatient treatment. If you are unsure, then you may want to consult a treatment specialist at an addiction treatment center in Texas.

What is Inpatient Treatment for Addiction?

When comparing inpatient vs outpatient treatment, inpatient care typically involves 24/7 supervision at an addiction center. A center may offer 30, 60, or 90-day programs that include both evidence-based and holistic treatment plans. You have full access to all facilities and can take advantage of a wide range of programs. The benefits of inpatient drug rehab include:

  • Ability to isolate yourself and focus solely on your recovery
  • Full support from others who are also on the road to recovery
  • A safe environment where you don’t have to worry about relapse
  • A place away from toxic environments that contribute to your addiction
  • Access to everything that an addiction center has to offer

What is Outpatient Treatment for Addiction

Outpatient treatment often includes intensive outpatient programs that give you the opportunity to get treatment while still engaging in important areas of your life. For instance, you can participate in therapy and still go to work or keep your family commitments. Outpatient provides more flexibility without sacrificing the quality of care you need to get back on your feet. When considering inpatient vs outpatient treatment, the benefits of outpatient treatment include:

  • More freedom and flexibility in your schedule
  • Ability to keep your work or family commitments
  • More privacy, as you do not have to explain why you are out of work
  • The same types of treatment available as inpatient treatment

Inpatient vs Outpatient Treatment: Which is Best for You?

When choosing between inpatient vs outpatient treatment, it is important to address the most critical issues. For instance, can you maintain sobriety at home, work, or when you are around friends? Can you avoid the places that you normally go to drink or take drugs? Also, can you handle your triggers such as stress or certain situations or environments?

Another thing to consider is home life. Will you get the support you need from your family while you are in recovery? If every time you go home, you are tempted to relapse, then you may need to disconnect and focus on your recovery before re-engaging with your family.

Contact Right Step Houston Today to Start Your Treatment

Inpatient vs outpatient treatment: which is best for you? Learn more about your treatment options by contacting Right Step Houston. We offer a wide range of treatment programs for drug and alcohol addiction. Call us at 1.844.768.0169 to get started on your road to recovery.

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