man coughing but experiencing safety at rehab

Safety At Rehab

Like the rest of the world, we are staying on top of news regarding the Coronavirus. More importantly, we are following the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization and asking clients to do the same. As social distancing measures tighten to shelter-in-place directives in many areas, we will continue to prioritize safety at rehab.

Measures for Safety at Rehab

To ensure safety at rehab, we have worked hard to create and maintain a very clean environment. Staff members frequently sanitize commonly touched surfaces such as counters and doorknobs. In addition, staff members and clients practice hand hygiene and hand sanitizer is available throughout the facility.

Guideline in place at the center include:

  • Keep at least six feet from others
  • Avoid touching your face, especially the mouth, nose, and eyes
  • Quarantine clients who fall sick
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue
  • Wash your hands with warm water and soap as often as possible

Per CDC guidelines, new clients receive a health screening before arriving at the center. However, we conduct a second screening once you arrive to protect you and our other clients. If you have active symptoms of COVID-19, we help you get effective medical care prior to beginning your recovery.

Constant Monitoring

To ensure health safety at rehab, we will continue to monitor the situation and follow any state and national guidelines released by public health officials. If required, we may close our facility to outside visitors not participating in therapeutic services.

The safety and well-being of our staff and clients take precedence in these uncertain times. As we monitor the situation, we will update our clients and post new information on our website. These changes may include shifting to telehealth services and adjusting scheduled events. Additionally, we aim to keep families, clients, and staff well-informed this time.

CDC Symptom List for Coronavirus

According to the CDC, Coronavirus symptoms span several levels of severity. Depending on the area, fatality rates range from 3% to nearly 10% (in Italy). If you come into contact with Coronavirus, it may take up to 14 days to develop the symptoms. To preserve safety at rehab, prospective clients who think they were exposed to COVID-19 should remain in self-quarantine for at least two weeks.

Call your doctor immediately if you begin to experience these symptoms:

  • Cough (usually dry)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fever

Your doctor may offer telehealth services so that they can diagnose you remotely. Further, most testing sites require a physician referral to qualify for the still limited testing kits.

Here are some symptoms that indicate severe cases of COVID-19 and require immediate medical intervention:

  • Confusion
  • Trouble breathing
  • Bluish lips
  • Persistent chest pain or pressure

Symptoms can vary for each person. Consult with your doctor regarding similar symptoms or anything else that concerns you.

Safety At Rehab with Right Step Houston

As the science advances, access to testing kits will improve. If you have come in contact with someone with the symptoms of Coronavirus, ask your healthcare professional whether you should get tested.

Stay tuned to local and national health advisories for changing public policy in your area. If you are a loved one become ill and have to stay at the hospital, make sure you understand the rules for visitors. Like many clinical facilities, we have banned visitors for the duration of the outbreak.

To protect your health safety at rehab, Right Step Houston is committed to educating clients on the latest trends, news, and recommendations regarding COVID-19.

Substance abuse disorder threatens the normal life that we are slowly working our way back to. Despite the pandemic, you should seek help to overcome your addiction, which also puts you in the high-risk category for Coronavirus. Let us help you break the chains of addiction for a drug-free future.


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