Person in a session of cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety

Utilizing Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been around since the 1960s when Dr. Aaron Beck, a pioneering psychiatrist, developed it based on his research into the links between thoughts and behavior. CBT techniques focus on an individual’s thought processes, often outside of awareness, and their direct impact on actions. Research has confirmed what Dr. Beck recognized sixty years ago: thinking, including false beliefs or negative thoughts, influences how people engage with the world. For those struggling with anxiety disorders, this type of therapy can be particularly effective. Cognitive-behavioral therapy in Houston at The Right Step facilities can help you with your anxiety.

Contact The Right Step Houston online or call 1.844.768.0169 to learn more about CBT techniques for treating anxiety and how we can help you. We will answer all your questions about cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety and more.

Understanding Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Since the inception of cognitive-behavioral therapy, research has confirmed that thoughts influence actions and outcomes. Thoughts directly shape our daily actions, acting as the conductor of the complex orchestra that is a human being. Brain science backs what mental health practitioners know: CBT techniques are effective in treating disorders like anxiety, PTSD, and addiction.

Consider a young child considering joining a pick-up soccer game at the park. They are less likely to perform well if they believe they are a poor athlete. Conversely, if they have positive self-awareness and confidence, they are more likely to succeed. They understand that failure is part of the game and doesn’t define them. These supportive beliefs encourage them to play, improving their skills with practice. By not participating, the first child misses out on practice and falls into a cycle of negative self-talk.

Many of your beliefs about yourself have been around for years—from childhood, school, friends, family, and various experiences. Becoming aware of how you think about yourself and the world allows you to change your thinking and how you show up each day. This applies to everyone in both big and small ways. CBT can lead to significant changes in self-image, self-belief, and behavior.

Using Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Treatment

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is typically time-limited and goal-oriented, with an expected range of 24 to 48 sessions. Here are some effective CBT techniques for treating anxiety:

  • Breathing techniques – Mindful breathing can calm the autonomic nervous system, lower heart rate, and soothe the mind. The most effective method involves inhaling, followed by a longer exhalation.
  • Muscle relaxation – This mindfulness practice focuses on progressively relaxing each muscle group in your body, one at a time. This can also ease the mind and smooth out anxiety that feels like choppy water. Are you more aware of anxiety-driven intrusive thoughts when your mind is quieter?
  • Journaling – This helps track thoughts and beliefs that derail you. Write them down along with your body’s reactions. What did it feel like? What triggered those thoughts? Can you become more aware of those triggers? Yes, you can.
  • Activate micro-behaviors to break old patterns – When negative habits resurface, create small plans to navigate them. These changes can be challenging, whether being late for work, eating junk food, or another minor challenge. Start with micro-behaviors by giving yourself simple instructions. Instead of hitting the snooze button, tell your feet to hit the floor. Or guide your hands to push past the snack aisle. One small moment leads to the next, making avoiding the snack aisle this time easier than committing to healthy eating forever—a daunting task until healthier habits become part of your new self-belief.

CBT for anxiety treatment is an evidence-based therapy that many professionals practice because of its effectiveness.

Connect with The Right Step Houston and Start CBT for Anxiety Treatment Today

Whether your anxiety co-occurs with a substance use disorder or not, you can feel better and less uncomfortable in your skin, more confident, and happier with the help of cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety. Contact The Right Step Houston online or call 1.844.768.0169 to learn more.

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